Bach® Flower Remedies, now also known as Bach Flower Essences, were developed by Dr. Edward Bach, a prominent London surgeon, in the 1930’s.
These 38 flower essences represent fundamental emotional, mental, and spiritual states. Classified as emotional homeopathic remedies, the Bach Flowers help to coax negative symptoms toward their more positive aspects. Several essences may be combined, many times with a more powerful effect than when used singly.
In fact, Rescue Remedy®, a combination of 5 Bach remedies, is the top selling over-the-counter anti-stress medication IN THE WORLD.
This healing system addresses the way different type personalities act and react to their every-day or extraordinary challenges and stress. For example, people with the same personality-type imbalances (like impatient, timid, victim or aggressive types) could benefit from the very same essences, regardless of their emotional or physical make-up.
Dr. Bach suggests taking 4 drops of the single (or combination) remedy at least 4 times daily for best effect (The more times the essences are used within a day, the quicker they seem to work). My favorite method is putting 4 drops of each essence into my bottle of drinking water, and sipping throughout the day.
Every time you get a drink, you get a dose. Very effective.
You can also apply the essences topically. This is especially valuable in the case of an infant or an unconscious or comatose person (or animal. They’re great for pets and livestock, too).