A bacterial infection can’t get inside a living cell. Instead, it surrounds the cell and multiplies in the waste it creates.
There are a number of effective anti-microbials (germ killers) on the alternative medicine lists. The main ones are colloidal silver, oregano oil, olive leaf, and for topical use only, tea tree oil. Echinacea and goldenseal are considered bacteriostatic; they discourage bacteria from reproducing, which allows your immune system to make better headway.
A round of antibiotics will kill the invading bacteria (and the good guys, too), but will leave the cell uninjured.
But since the beneficial bacteria has also been wiped out, it’s very important to replace the good guys by taking pro-biotics, such as acidophilus or lactobacillus.
Use a good supplement for two to six weeks after an antibiotic treatment, then make sure to eat fermented foods like kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, or kimchi on a regular basis.
This will help maintain (or regain) balance and help your immune system.
Half of the antibiotics used in the USA are given to farm animals – our food supply – and is part of the reason bacterial infections are becoming immune to antibiotic treatment. The surviving bacteria pass their drug-resistant genes along, and common germs that were once easy to extinguish are getting harder to kill with available drugs.
One more reason to strengthen your immune system.
Intestinal bacteria – Antibiotics tend to drive this condition deeper into the body.
Staphylococcus – Staph is often found in hospitals and indirectly contributes to many deaths.
Strep – A strep infection can turn you into a hot and short-tempered person.