Constipation and lower bowel congestion mean pretty much the same thing: Bad news….

The lower bowel (large intestine or colon) is designed to pull excess water out of the body’s wastes to conserve and recycle the moisture [Hopefully, the small intestine has already removed the needed nutrients from the digested food traveling through it].
When your colon becomes congested, its natural peristaltic movement slows down, and the putrefaction process begins.
This is kind of like composting, which is great in the garden, but not so desirable in us. Basically, stuff starts to rot. And like composting attracts earthworms, putrefaction attracts parasites. Yes, I agree that it’s a disturbing picture, but there it is. In a compost heap, you’ll get off-gassing and run-off. With constipation, it’s the bloodstream that absorbs these toxins, then transports them throughout your body.
Every cell can be affected, weakening your body’s defenses, and leaving openings for many illnesses and diseases. Your lymphatic system may eventually get sluggish because of all the backlog, and have trouble carting off the excess garbage.
[The lymph system deposits this garbage into the bloodstream to be filtered by the liver and kidneys, going out through the urinary tract and bowel. If the bowel is still congested, the entire process begins again and even adds to itself. I think in computer systems, this is called an “endless loop”.]
In cases of sluggish lymph, mucous secretions will tend to settle in the lungs, and muscles, tendons, and joints will begin to stiffen.
Causes of Constipation
Possible causes of bowel congestion, include obstructions in the bowel by “worm nests” (parasites), or paralysis of the alimentary tract (the “tube” from mouth to anus) due to polio, arsenic poisoning, or lead poisoning (heavy metals, chemical poisons).
But the most common cause of constipation, chronic or otherwise, is not getting enough fiber in your diet.
Processed foods, fried foods and the “bad fats,” refined flours and sugars, and the lack (or low intake) of fruits and vegetables are major contributors to constipation. If you add to that the regular consumption of diuretic liquids like coffee, sodas, and alcohol– which are a net loss as far as body moisture is concerned– it would be very surprising if you weren’t constipated.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Sometimes, bowel congestion actually causes diarrhea symptoms.
The gunk on the colon walls (hardened mucus and feces, parasites, possible obstructions) blocks nutrient assimilation and efficient movement of wastes. The liver and gall bladder want to help move this stuff out, and so produce and release extra bile to “lube the tube” (this can create another problem if your gall bladder has been removed).
The end result (no pun intended, I swear) is that you get both extremes: maybe constipation one day and diarrhea the next.

At times, just taking a little psyllium husk every day will even out these highs and lows. You should always drink at least 8 ounces of water with 3 psyllium capsules.
[NOTE on Psyllium Husk: Don’t take psyllium if you are already constipated right now.
This herb– really the outer covering of the psyllium seed– is well known for its liquid-absorbing capabilities. If the fiber takes up what’s left of the moisture in an already dry colon, you will start to believe you are NEVER gonna go.
If you are this plugged up, a home enema or professional colonic treatment may be in order.]
Preventing Constipation
To prevent lower bowel congestion, be sure to:
1) Drink plenty of good water
2) Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. I’d say the US government’s suggestion of “5 a Day” is a good starting point. 10 is even better.
3) Try to keep from sitting all day. Your body needs to move.
4) Make sure you’re getting “good fats” in your diet, like olive and flax oils, raw and sprouted nuts, grass-fed meats and wild fish.
5)Consult with your Personal Wellness Consultant to find obstacles to your health that can be removed.
Back to Congestion- Physical Cause of Disease
Congestion can be defined as a stagnant or sluggish condition. What if you knew which of your organs are burdened with congestion? And how to relieve that burden using a non-invasive, natural approach?
I started doing a water enema about 1 quart every 4 days and drinking 3 quarts of water and putting 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger juice, 300mgs magnesium and it finally started to open up after 3 months whewwww…. what was in there
Hi Janet,
It can be startling sometimes, truly!
An enema every 4 days for 3 months is pretty serious. I hope you’ll be careful not to get “addicted.”
If your body is accustomed to having its work done for it, sometimes it can decide to “go on vacation” and not do what should come naturally.
My preferences for a really good cleanout: once a week for a month, do a warm clear water enema, repeating several times in a row, until the water starts coming out pretty clean.
Best wishes!