Color Therapy can help to balance your energy wherever your body may be lacking, whether physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental. In the Canon of Medicine, Avicenna wrote that “Color is an observable symptom of disease” and developed a chart that related to the temperature and physical condition of the body. In his view, red moved […]
Healthy News and Tips
Case Study – Severe Scoliosis
This amazing wonderful woman has been such an inspiration to me! “Dorothy” (not her real name) is a 75 year old female (This case study has been published with her permission). She came to me with severe scoliosis of the spine – a “hunched back” on her left side, left shoulder 3 inches higher than […]
Is Danger Lurking in Your Morning Cup?
Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms Millions of people worldwide use caffeine every morning to give themselves that extra boost they need to start their day. In fact, caffeine is the most widely used drug in the world, even more than alcohol. Too much caffeine can leave you feeling jittery – not so fun. And it can cloud […]
Gum Disease is Not a Pretty Picture
Gum disease, aka Periodontal Disease (peri- around, dontal-dental or tooth) will cause bad breath, and certainly is not attractive to look at. But it is oh-so-much more serious than that. Gum disease can have a huge impact on other aspects of your health. The bacteria from a gum infection can enter your bloodstream and travel […]
Benefits of Green Tea
While green tea has been used in eastern cultures for over 4,000 years, only recently has it been recognized for its medicinal properties in western culture. Here are just 6 of the many health benefits that green tea can provide. Protect your smile. Green tea contains bacteria fighting agents that kill the help stop plaque […]
Gentian – Bach Flower Essence
Gentian is the Bach Flower Essence for strength of will: appropriate for those who are weak-willed, despondent, or who easily give up. It strengthens resolve and endurance, and encourages a more optimistic attitude. A negative Gentian type will look at a failure as a “sign from the gods” that this project was “not to be,” […]
Are You Lactose Intolerant?
Do Dairy Products Seem to Cause Problems for You? You, like many other Americans, may be lactose intolerant. This just means that your body isn’t able to digest lactose easily (Lactose is the kind of sugar that is found in milk and other dairy products). If your body doesn’t make enough lactase – the enzyme […]
Chronic Pain: Nutrients for Natural Relief
According to Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical’s National Pain Survey conducted in 1999, “An estimated 50 million Americans live with chronic pain caused by accident, disease or disorder. An additional 25 million people suffer from acute pain” (Weiner, “Pain Issues: Pain is an Epidemic.”) Lower-back pain, bone/muscle pain, arthritis, and fibromyalgia are the most common complaints, according to […]
Tapeworm Infection
Tapeworm infection can cause mineral imbalance, thyroid issues, intestinal gas, high or low blood sugar, bloat, jaundice, and fluid retention during the full moon Common all over the world, tapeworms are long, flat, ribbon-like critters. Humans are a ready host, but usually there is what is known as an “intermediate host” that is a necessary […]
Food Combining for Better Digestion
Simple food combining is a must for the stomach to do its job properly. Eat 3 or 4 things at a meal, but change with each meal. I highly recommend staying within the Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type dietary guidelines. 1. Don’t start your day with a stimulant (caffeine, cigarette), and don’t eat until […]