My favorite Liver Cleanse is one of Dr. Christopher’s formulas. A combination of Barberry bark, Wild Yam root, Cramp bark, Fennel seed, Ginger root, Catnip herb, and Peppermint leaf, this cleansing formula allows and encourages your body in its own natural processes.
But please do a bowel cleanse first so your liver will have a clean (or at least moderately so) place to dump its garbage. A kidney cleanse might also be in order, depending on your particular issues.
Easy Liver Cleanse
Take the fresh juice of two oranges and three lemons (2 lemons if they are large) and “whirr” it in a blender for 2 or 3 seconds only with 3 ounces of good quality (preferably organic) cold-pressed olive oil.
Drink this lovely concoction first thing in the morning for five days in a row. Eat nothing else til noon Don’t worry- you probably won’t be hungry).
Basic Liver Cleanse
This one is also from Hanna Kroeger.
Eat nothing but stewed tomatoes and tomato juice for two days. [Note: my acupuncture teacher suggested this same liver cleanse recipe, but substituted apples and diluted apple juice instead of tomatoes. This would be preferable if you are sensitive to nightshades]
At bedtime on the second day, drink down (quickly) a combination of 3 ounces of olive oil, 2 ounces castor oil, and 3 ounces whipping cream (NOT whipped cream). Go immediately to bed.
If all goes as planned, you should need to get up in the early morning (3 or 4 AM) to go to the bathroom. Don’t be alarmed at the result; it will probably be quite foul.
Go back to bed and eat a nice breakfast after you get up.
Mediterranean Liver Cleanse
For a liver that just won’t “give it up,” try this intensive liver flush:
Drink one ounce of olive oil mixed with one ounce of lemon juice.
Here’s the really important part. You need to drink this 2 ounce mixture every 20 minutes, all day (10 – 12 hours). If you get to a point where you just can’t swallow this cocktail, wait another 20 minutes and try again.
Don’t give up!
After de-congesting your liver, take dry Vitamin A (or Beta Carotene) daily for a month to help rebuild healthy tissue.