It seems that people are starting to sleep less and less. In the early 1900’s, people slept 9 hours a night on average; now they’re getting less than 7 hours. We have so many modern conveniences that are supposed to save us time, but really they just give us more to do. Before you accept […]
Physical Neglect
Want Better Digestion?
Getting Your Digestion to Work FOR You Everyone’s in such a hurry these days, and multi-tasking, too, even at mealtimes, just to try and get everything done. Eat and run, eat in the car, in front of the TV or computer… Cross my heart, these habits do not serve you. You can do a better […]
Simple Ways to Reduce Chronic Pain
If you are one of the many people who deal with pain on a daily basis, there are a few options available that might reduce your dependence on painkillers, and even herbs! And not just simple, they could almost be considered free. The first is water. Being properly hydrated can have a huge impact on […]
Gum Disease is Not a Pretty Picture
Gum disease, aka Periodontal Disease (peri- around, dontal-dental or tooth) will cause bad breath, and certainly is not attractive to look at. But it is oh-so-much more serious than that. Gum disease can have a huge impact on other aspects of your health. The bacteria from a gum infection can enter your bloodstream and travel […]
Mineral Deficiency
Modern farming methods are probably the biggest contributor to mineral deficiency in both people and animals Only a tiny portion (4 – 5 %) of the human body is made up of minerals, but these components are absolutely vital. We can manufacture vitamins if we have enough minerals, but we cannot manufacture the minerals that […]
Vitamin Deficiency
The human body can actually prevent vitamin deficiency by manufacturing many of our necessary vitamins, if there is a good supply of quality minerals and a properly functioning digestive tract. However, these vitamins are easily destroyed by food additives and preservatives, use of fluorescent lights, high-stress environments, and pollution. Vitamins are organic compounds found naturally […]