Bach Flower Essence Star of Bethlehem is the Bach Flower Essence for physical, emotional, or psychic trauma, and for grief. In a negative state, this personality is unable to fully experience emotions because it has (unconsciously) blocked itself from feeling, probably to avoid hurt. It withdraws from things it doesn’t want to feel, and fails […]
Bach Flower Remedies
Agrimony – Bach Flower Essence
Agrimony is the Bach Flower Essence for anguish or distress behind a happy or brave face– a pretended easy-going nature covering repressed worries or fears. This remedy is very familiar to me: As a “Southern Woman” I was always taught to “Smile; don’t let anyone know there’s something wrong,” no matter what might be going […]
Walnut – Bach Flower Essence
Walnut is the Bach Flower Remedy used for protection from outside influences, most commonly during some sort of transition or transformation process. This would include: puberty, menopause, moving to a new place, traveling, a change in relationship (new or break-up or other loss), change in career, education and learning, dieting or cleansing, building or remodeling […]
Chestnut Bud – Bach Flower Essence
Chestnut Bud is the Bach Flower Remedy for mental maturity and experience. It increases your general ability to learn by helping you remember and compare your experiences in life so that better decisions can be made in similar circumstances. In Advanced Bach Flower Therapy, Goetz Blome states “Our spirit is more open, we are more […]