Most malfunctions of the gall bladder are due to gall stones (or “sand” or just plain sludge) either blocking the release of bile into the digestive tract, or filling the it to capacity with no room for bile storage. Because you use bile to digest fats, gall stones will cause digestive problems in almost everyone, […]
Want Better Digestion?
Getting Your Digestion to Work FOR You Everyone’s in such a hurry these days, and multi-tasking, too, even at mealtimes, just to try and get everything done. Eat and run, eat in the car, in front of the TV or computer… Cross my heart, these habits do not serve you. You can do a better […]
Food Combining for Better Digestion
Simple food combining is a must for the stomach to do its job properly. Eat 3 or 4 things at a meal, but change with each meal. I highly recommend staying within the Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type dietary guidelines. 1. Don’t start your day with a stimulant (caffeine, cigarette), and don’t eat until […]