Most malfunctions of the gall bladder are due to gall stones (or “sand” or just plain sludge) either blocking the release of bile into the digestive tract, or filling the it to capacity with no room for bile storage. Because you use bile to digest fats, gall stones will cause digestive problems in almost everyone, […]
Tapeworm Infection
Tapeworm infection can cause mineral imbalance, thyroid issues, intestinal gas, high or low blood sugar, bloat, jaundice, and fluid retention during the full moon Common all over the world, tapeworms are long, flat, ribbon-like critters. Humans are a ready host, but usually there is what is known as an “intermediate host” that is a necessary […]
Cancer Fungus
According to Hanna Kroeger, cancer is fungus -based or virus -based. In some rare cases, it can also be caused by a spindle cell viroid. Abnormal growths can take many forms- the most common are described by doctors as tumors and cysts; also included are strange growths, masses, and lumps. There are almost always parasites […]
Roundworm Infection: Sometimes Sharing ISN’T Nice
The parasite Roundworm is common around the world, especially in warmer climates. I see them often here in the southern US, where the ground doesn’t normally freeze in the winter. Roundworm infection usually begins with ingestion of the eggs, from contaminated soil, or from fruits or vegetables grown in contaminated soil. Some species enter the […]
Fungal Infection
Fungal infection thrives on dead organic material. Tending to spread rapidly, it especially likes warm, moist areas (and absolutely loves it when you eat sugar). Parasite infection and fungal infection seem to occur together, so if one is present, be sure to check (or treat) for the other. When it comes down to it, fungus […]